Danish beauty Höst in Copenhagen, French favorite Septime in Paris, and now there’s the third place to add to my personal top 3 of most beautiful restaurants: The Kettle Black.
Nestled in a gorgeous, 1880s, typical Victorian house. In contrast with the big sleek, modern apartment towers build around it but it works together perfectly and almost makes it look like a surrealistic artwork. And this is just the outside..
Inside you’ll find honeycomb mosaic tiles, green ceramic tiles, concrete, wood, plants, marble, brass: everything merges seamlessly. It’s light, elegant, stylish, detailed and simplistic. Perfectly designed by Studio You Me.
Not only the interior is a pleasure to look at, the dishes are real artworks as well. I was happy to see they serve the huge ricotta hotcakes I saw coming by earlier at their other venue Top Paddock and a lot on social media like Instagram as well. I was glad I finally got to taste them an they didn’t disappoint at all! Neither did the home-made colorful decorated coconut yoghurt and the cray fish roll. Looked and cooked perfectly.
Ohh.. how I miss having my Australian ‘brekkie’..
The Kettle Black, 50 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205, Australië